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Laura Ribero
(Bogota, Colombia, 1978)

Laura Ribero is a visual artist and researcher who studied Visual Arts at the Jorge Tadeo Lozano University back in her hometown of Bogota, Colombia. In the final semesters of her course, she became more interested in photography and, in 2002, she moved to Spain to specialize in this area, obtaining a PhD in Arts and New Technologies, by the University of Barcelona. Since that time, more than 22 years ago, Ribero has been living outside her country of origin in places like Spain, Germany, Austria, and most recently in Brazil. She is currently living and working in Porto Alegre, Brazil.

According to the critic Elisa Garzón: ‘In Laura Ribero’s photographs we must read between the lines. The apparent normality of the portraits – a cleaning lady having a cup of coffee, or another one with her ear pressed against a street wall -, hides a social analysis that touches on topics such as migration, identity and assumed roles. The connecting thread that unites all her series of photographs is the narrative, a story told from the beginning to the end, or in fragments, in a real setting, although it is transformed into another reality by the manipulation of the context.*

Ribero has been exhibiting her artwork in different countries such as Germany, Austria, Spain, Italy, Turkey, United States, Brazil, Mexico and Colombia. She has been invited to exhibit her work in places as the MAK, Museum of Applied Arts, in Vienna; Istanbul Modern Museum, in Turkey; and La Casa Encendida, in Madrid. In addition, she has been participating in different photographic events, such as Festival ZUM, Sao Paulo (2017), Month of the European Photography, Vienna (2008 and 2010), the International Fotofestival Germany (2007), and the Bienal Fotográfica Bogotá (2007). Ribero has been winning several awards, including Artistic Residencies in Germany, from the Zeche Zollverein Foundation, and the AIR Krems and Museums Quartier, Q21, in Austria.

* Elisa Garzón, ‘Laura Ribero: Fotografía entre líneas (Photography Between Lines)’, EXIT Express Magazine, #53 Summer, Madrid, Spain.



2013  PhD in Art and Media Culture. Universitat de Barcelona, Spain.

2000  Visual Arts. Universidad Jorge Tadeo Lozano, Bogota, Colombia.

Public Collections

·Instituto Moreira Salles, São Paulo, Brazil

·Verbund Collection, Vienna, Austria

·Ströher Collection, Frankfurt, Germany  

·Artphilein Foundation, Vaduz, Liechtenstein

·Jorge Tadeo Lozano, Bogota, Colombia

Solo Exhibitions

2014     Transitory Places, Galerie Schütte, Essen, Germany

2010     Laura Ribero - Month of the European Photography, Galerie Hubert Winter, Vienna, Austria

·Neue Fotografien, Galerie Schütte, Essen, Germany

2008    Laura Ribero - Month of the European Photography, Galerie Hubert Winter, Vienna, Austria
2007    Different, Galerie Schütte, Essen, Germany

2006    Catch Tales, Galerie Hubert Winter, Vienna, Austria

2005    Fotoarbeiten, Galerie Schütte, Essen, Germany

·Looking for Wonderland, ÖSW, Bochum, Germany

·Looking for Wonderland, Stellwerk Zollverein, Essen, Germany

·Electro-doméstica, Galería Santa Fe, Bogota, Colombia

Residencies & Awards

2013    Artist in Residence Scholarship, Museums Quartier - Q21, Vienna, Austria

2005    Artist in Residence, Kunsthalle Krems - Galerie Stadtpark, Austria

2004    Artist in Residence Scholarship, Stellwerk Zollverein, Essen, Germany

·Electro-doméstica, winner project of IDCT, Bogota, Colombia

2001    Jury Special Mention ‘IX Salón de Artistas Jóvenes’, Museo de Arte Contemporáneo, Bogota, Colombia

Group Exhibitions (selection)

2024    Arte, Memória, Identidade e Territorialidade, Espaço Cultural Feevale, Novo Hamburgo, Brazil

·Exercícios da Imaginação: memória e invenção, Galeria de Arte do DMAE, Porto Alegre, Brazil

2023    Ausências na História, Espaço Cultural Correios, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

·Um olhar sobre o passado, Museu do Imigrante, Bento Gonçalves, Brazil

·Conexões Nômades, Galeria Municipal Casa das Artes, Novo Hamburgo, Brazil

2022    NY Latin American Art Triennial, Queen College Art Gallery, New York

·Fora das Sombras, MON - Oscar Niemeyer Museum, Curitiba, Brazil

·Fotografias da Cidade, Fundação Ecarta, Porto Alegre, Brazil

2021    Pela Janela do Carro, Casa CDL, Novo Hamburgo, Brazil

2020    Nature Morte – Stilles Leben, Forum Kunst & Architektur, Essen, Germany

2019    Poéticas de la memoria del Territorio, LAC, Murcia, Spain

·A Fotografia e suas transversalidades, Galeria A Sala, Pelotas, Brazil

·Conexões, Feevale University, Novo Hamburgo, Brazil

·Maquina do Mundo, Galeria Linha, Porto Alegre, Brazil

·9 Festival de Tiradentes – Foto em Pauta. Centro Cultural Yves Alves, Tiradentes, Brazil  

2018    Fotofestival SOLAR. Centro Dragão do Mar Arte e Cultura, Fortaleza, Brazil

·FESTIVAL ZUM. Instituto Moreira Salles, São Paulo, Brazil

·Iconografias Femeninas, Sala Macaregua, Bucaramanga, Colombia

2017    In.Pressões, Espaço Cultural Feevale, Novo Hamburgo, Brazil

·Shortcut to Kettwig, Kunstraum der Scheidt´schen Hallen, Essen, Germany

2016    Portfolio Vol. 2, Galerie Schmidt und Schütte, Colonia, Germany

·A fotografia como corpo perfomatizado, Espaço Cultural ESPM, Porto Alegre, Brazil [Cur. Niura Legramante]

·NordArt, Kunstwerk Carlshütte, Büdelsdorf, Germany

·Crítica de la Razón Migrante, Centro Cultural de España, México D.F

2015     Interaktiv, Galerie Schütte, Essen, Germany

·En Serie, Galerie Schütte, Essen, Germany

·Travessias: o mesmo e o outro, Espaço Cultural Feevale, Novo Hamburgo, RS, Brazil [Cur. Lurdi Blauth]

·Inter-dito, Museo Universitário de Arte – Muna, Uberlandia, MG, Brazil [Cur. Sandra Rey]

·Crítica de la Razón Migrante, Centro Cultural de  España en Tegucigualpa, Honduras [Cur. Carolina Bustamante, Francisco Godoy]

2014     Senza Cartolina, Galerie Schütte, Essen, Germany

·Crítica de la Razón Migrante, La Casa Encendida, Madrid, Spain [Cur. Carolina Bustamante, Francisco Godoy]

·Armin Turk und freunde, Kunstraum der Scheidt´schen Hallen, Essen, Germany

2013     Kunst ohne kurator, Ausstellungsraum, Vienna, Austria

2012     From Here to There – Subject-staging between reality and fiction, Austrian Cultural Forum London, UK [Cur. Sabine Winkler]

·Fotografishe Arbeiten aus der Sammlung Harald Genge. Borken, Germany

·Farbe-Raum-Konzept, Kunstraum Dreieich, Germany [Cur. Hanneke Heinemann]

·Ein blick, Kunstraum der Scheidt´schen Hallen, Essen, Germany

2011     Again and Again and Once More – Latitudes?, Kunstverein Medienturm, Graz, Austria [Cur. Sabine Winkler]

·Raum, Bürgermeisterhaus Werden, Essen, Germany

·Ángulo Ciego: Mujeres e Inmigración, Instituto Francesca Bonnemaison, Barcelona, Spain [Cur. Gabriela Berti]     

2010     Zenhninzweitausendundshen, Dortmund, Germany

·Vienna Fair 2010, Galerie Hubert Winter, Vienna, Austria

·Bicentenarios, Art Madrid - Pabellón de Cristal de la Casa de Campo, Madrid, Spain

2009    Melting Pot, Newark, New Jersey, USA

·Portrait, Fotogalerie Wien, Vienna, Austria

·Editionen 1987-2008, Galerie Schütte, Essen, Germany

2008     Held together with Water. Verbund Art Collection, Istanbul Modern Museum, Turkey [Cur. Gabriele Schor, Levent Çalikoğlu]

·Double Face, Vertical Gallery, Vienna, Austria [Cur. Gabriele Schor]

·Opening of the Museum Stein, Stein, Austria [Cur. Hartwig Knack, Dieter Buchhart]

·Kunstmeilewangen_nullzwei, Kulturgemeinde, Wangen, Germany

·Ortlos. Vom Sehnen und Suchen, Zeppelin Museum, Friedrichshafen, Germany [Cur. Sandra Wolf]            

2007     Bienal Fotográfica Bogotá – 2o. Encuentro Internacional, Centro Cultural de la Universidad de Salamanca, Bogota, Colombia

·Reality Crossings - 2o International Fotofestival Germany [Cur. Christoph Tannert]

·Held together with Water. Verbund Art Collection, MAK - Museum of Applied Arts & Contemporary Art, Vienna, Austria [Cur. Gabriele Schor, Peter Noever]

·Latinoamérica Stand. Esencialmente estratégica, Can Felipa, Barcelona, Spain [Cur. Joaquín Barriendos, Cristian Gómez]

2006    Lend me your ear, Kunstverein Bad Salzdetfurth e.V, Bodenburg, Germany

2004    Errancias: Viajes y Virajes, Galería Valenzuela y Klenner, Bogota and Cali, Colombia

2001    Foto-síntesis, Galería Santa Fe, Bogota, Colombia [Cur. Jaime Cerón]
2000     IX Salón de Artistas Jóvenes. Muestra Iberoamericana, Museo de Arte Contemporáneo, Bogota, Colombia

·Amores - Fotoseptiembre Internacional, Galería El Museo, Bogota, Colombia [Cur. Nelly Peñaranda]    

·Alternativas en Proceso, Galería El Museo, Bogota, Colombia [Cur. Nelly Peñaranda]

·Bologna’ 2000, Galería El Museo, Bologna, Italy

1999     2o Salón Nacional de Video Experimental, Centro Colombo-Americano, Bogota, Colombia            

·7o Salón Tadeo, Galería Fenalco, Bogota, Colombia

·Tele-Visión - Muestra Internacional de Artes Electrónicas, Museo de Arte Moderno & Museo Nacional, Bogota, Colombia


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